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夏季,一场大雨过后,学校搞体检。我被查出得了大病。我,刚刚十三岁,却患上了绝症——肺癌晚期。为了确诊,爸爸又领我去省城一家大医院。可医生看过后,说需要十万元手术费。可我家哪有那么多钱啊!要是有钱,我妈也不会跟我爸离婚,被南方的包工头给拐走了。我家住东北,一个小县城的郊区。两间低矮的小房,压得人喘气都困难。在门诊室门外,我听医生说,豆蔻年华的我,大约只有几个月的日子了。每天,爸爸都在干活,偷偷地 Summer, after a heavy rain, the school engage in physical examination. I was found to have a serious illness. I, just thirteen, have a terminal illness - advanced lung cancer. In order to confirm, my father led me to a large hospital in the provincial capital. After seeing the doctor, said the need for 100,000 yuan surgery fee. How can my family have so much money ah! If rich, my mother will not divorce my dad, was contracted by the south contractor. I live in the northeast, a small town in the suburbs. Two low-lying small room, pressure people have difficulty breathing. Outside the clinic, I heard the doctor say that I, with only a few months’ time, had a great time. Every day, my father is working, secretly
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编辑同志: 你们好! 我公司刘某和王某同是采购员。两个月前,两人一道去G市出差期间,在某一发廊认识了卖淫女叶女和汤女,后两人分别嫖宿了二女。出差回来后,刘某下身发红、感
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