Abscess formation in vertebral canal and presacral area following penetrating injury of rectum and s

来源 :中华创伤杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803_zhangke
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Penetrating injury to the rectum,vertebral body and spinal cord by a steel rod is a rare condition.Treatment of this kind of injury is very challenging.Rectal injury requires repair and fecal diversion,while debridement of the spine is difficult,especially when the injury site is very long.Here we report a case of penetrating injury of rectum and sacral vertebra by a steel rod after falling onto the ground from 1 m height.The abscess cavity was irrigated with 3% hydrogen peroxide and physiological saline repeatedly.The bony canal was carefully debrided,curetted and bony fragments were removed.Spinal irrigation and drainage lasted for 2 months and sensitive antibiotic (amikacin sulfate) was given 7 days after surgery,but abscess was still formed in the vertebral canal.At 6-month follow-up,the patient was paralyzed without any neurological improvement,and the pain in low back and lower limb still continued.
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