Vertical vibration characteristics of seated human bodies and a biodynamic model with two degrees of

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Understanding the vibration characteristics of a seated human body is critical for evaluation and improvement of ride comfort of various passenger vehicles. There have been very little publications about the vibration characteristics of a seated Chinese human body. By using wide-band white noise excitations and a homemade seat sensor, vertical vibration tests were carried out on 28 volunteers. Apparent masses were obtained for each volunteer at a frequency range of 1-20 Hz for various excitation le-vels. A biodynamic model, which has two degrees of freedom in parallel and includes a frame mass, was chosen to describe the vertical vibration characteristics of the seated human body. The model parameters were identified by means of a Gauss-Newton method with an error function defined in terms of both real and imaginary parts of the apparent mass against frequency. Based on the averaged data of the mass-normalized apparent mass from experiments, the model parameters and corresponding modal parameters were obtained for seated Chinese people at ages of 20-25 with standard weight. The apparent masses predicted by the biodynamic model with identified parameters agree very well with those obtained from experiments. Statistical analysis demonstrates the influence of volunteer’s height and weight on the model parameters for a seated human body. Understanding the vibration characteristics of a seated human body is critical for evaluation and improvement of ride comfort of various passenger vehicles. There are very little publications about the vibration characteristics of a seated Chinese human body. By using wide-band white noise excitations and a homemade seat sensor, vertical vibration tests were carried out on 28 volunteers. Apparent masses were obtained for each volunteer at a frequency range of 1-20 Hz for various excitation le-vels. A biodynamic model, which has two degrees of freedom in parallel and includes a frame mass, was chosen to describe the vertical vibration characteristics of the seated human body. The model parameters were identified by means of a Gauss-Newton method with an error function defined in terms of both real and imaginary parts of the apparent mass against frequency. Based on the averaged data of the mass-normalized apparent mass from experiments, the model parameters and corresponding modal parameters were obtained for seated Chinese people at ages of 20-25 with standard weight. The apparent masses predicted by the biodynamic model with identified parameters agree very well with those obtained from experiments. Statistical analysis demonstrates the influence of volunteer’s height and weight on the model parameters for a seated human body.
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20岁的时候,他在足球场上踢足球,看到一个红衣女孩抱着书走过操场,他的脚出卖了眼睛,球不偏不倚地打中女孩的后背。女孩尖叫一声,他跑过去道歉,顺便打听她学哪个专业,住在哪幢楼上。  他去找她,用牛皮纸袋装了两串从学校南门的枇杷树上摘下来的黄熟的枇杷,他爬树的时候,几个女生在树下叽叽喳喳地议论。她接了枇杷,问好吃吧,他说你尝尝。她拿出一只小盆,取了一串枇杷去水房洗,洗了足有一个世纪,许多枇杷被她洗破了