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纽约股市:上演高崖跳水本期纽约股指横盘多日后,临近期末大幅下挫。道指自期初至4月中上旬一直在10500点附近横盘,4月13日后连续三天以超过百点的幅度狂跌,期末4月15日勉强收于万点上方的10087.51点,自去年小布什连任总统以来的指数涨幅被抹平;标普500指数本期前段略呈小幅震荡上升态势, 后期同样直线下跌,期末收在1142.62点; 纳指走势亦相似,临近期末连续三天巨挫 New York Stock Market: staged cliff cliff New York stock index sideways many days later, near the end of the sharp decline. Since the beginning of April to mid-April the Dow has been around 10500 near the sideways, after April 13 for three days in a row over a hundred percentage points plunged at the end of April 15 barely closed at 10,087.51 points above 10,000 points since last year The rise of the index since George W. Bush reelected as president has been eased; the S & P 500 index increased slightly in the early part of the current period, but also plummeted in the latter part of the year, ending at 1142.62 points. The Nasdaq also showed similar trends with a sharp drop of three consecutive days near the end of the period
132团场一中丁新松同志: 您好!来信询问新闻学会、记者协会是怎么回事,以及具备什么条件可以加入等问题,现解答如下: 新闻学会是群众性学术团体,主要研究新闻理论,总结和交
Clarke and Monzo defined a construction called a generalized inflation of a semigroup, and proved that for unions of groups, all null extensions are generalized
As the dual of the Auslander transpose and the resulting k-torsionfree module,the cotranspose and k-cotorsionfree module with respect to a semidualizing bimodul
Most enriched categories also have an ordinary category structure which is compatible with the enrichment on them. In this paper, enrichments in a monoidal cate
请问专家如何看待近期股市走势问题?——辽宁读者素洁  我认为目前的指数位还难以有效企稳,短线反弹力度有限,后市仍有回调的压力。  宝钢股份扩容的压力有待消化,随着该股的震荡下调,其它绩优股的重心也会随之下行。  此外,季报表明目前投资风险大于机会,如中创信测、 TCL集团预计2005年第一季度将出现亏损,股价跌停;巢东股份预计2005年上半年同比业绩大幅下降,股价已经两个跌停。  同时,股权分置试