Multistage Off-Line Permutation Packet Routing on a Mesh:An Approach with Elementary Mathematics

来源 :Journal of Computer Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lfw_1988
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Various methods have been proposed for off-line permutation packet routing on a mesh. One of the methods is known as multistage routing, in which the first stage is crucial. For the first stage of routing, the previous study normally converts it to a problem of graph theory and proves the existence of solutions. However, there is a lack of simple algorithms to the first stage of routing. This article presents an explicit and simple approach for the first stage of routing based on elementary mathematics. Various methods have been proposed for off-line permutation packet routing on a mesh. One of the methods is known as multistage routing, where which the first stage is crucial. For the first stage of routing, the previous study normally converts it to a problem of graph theory and proves the existence of solutions. However, there is a lack of simple algorithms to the first stage of routing. This article presents an explicit and simple approach for the first stage of routing based on elementary mathematics.
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