
来源 :广播与电视技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tonycheungqd
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全国广播微波传送维护工作会议于1983年9月1~6日在哈尔滨召开。会议由广播电视部无线电管理总局和邮电部电信总局联合主办,有广播、邮电两部的有关单位,26个省、市、自治区广播和邮电系统的有关领导和工作人员共171人参加了会议。会上,无线电管理总局及邮电部电信总局的领导同志作了重要讲话。会议交流了维护工作经验,介绍了多年来利用长距离微波干线传送广播节目的成绩、经验和教训,代表们一致认为加强两个部兄弟单位的团结协作是维护工作的主要经验。会议在此基础上认真讨论并修改了两个文件:《广播节目传送电路技术维护管理的若干规定》和《利用邮电部微波干线传送广播业务的暂行管理办法》。会议还详细介绍了长距离传送立体声的技术问题。试听了经过北京—哈尔滨(1350公里)和北京—哈尔滨—北京(2700公里)微波传送的立体声,并与 National Broadcasting Microwave Transmission Maintenance Work Conference was held in Harbin from September 1 to September 6, 1983. The meeting was jointly organized by the Radio Management Bureau of the Ministry of Radio and Television and the General Administration of Posts and Telecommunications of the Ministry of Post and Telecommunication. A total of 171 relevant leaders and staff members from broadcasting, post and telecommunications departments and radio and postal and telecommunications systems from 26 provinces, cities and autonomous regions attended the meeting. At the meeting, the leaders of the General Administration of Radio Management and the General Administration of Posts and Telecommunications of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications made important speeches. The meeting exchanged experiences on maintenance work, introduced the achievements, experiences and lessons learned from using long-distance microwave lines over the years to deliver radio programs. Delegates agreed that strengthening unity and cooperation between the two ministries and units is a major experience in maintaining work. On the basis of this, the meeting seriously discussed and revised two documents: “Several Provisions on the Maintenance and Management of Broadcasting Program Transmission Circuits Technology” and “Interim Measures for the Administration of Broadcasting Using the Microwave Mainline of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.” The meeting also described in detail the long-distance transmission of stereo technical issues. Listen to the stereophonic sound transmitted through Beijing - Harbin (1,350 km) and Beijing - Harbin - Beijing (2,700 km), and with