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一、加强整体意识,建立知识体系建立完整的知识结构体系要比掌握大量具体的零散知识更具价值。在学习过程中,如果只偏重于掌握知识的细节,而忽略了对知识结构整体上的理解和掌握,就会降低知识的智力价值,使获得的知识难以成为今后深入探究的可靠基础。在知识整理加工的过程中,伴随着一系列的思维活动,如分析、判断、归纳、演绎、比较、分类、总结、概括、推理等,可以说这个过程也是思维综合训练的过程。经过这一过程可以加深对知识的理解、强化记忆,同时也可以发现问题、弥补漏洞、纠正错误。在对基本原理、规律的探究、发现、归纳和应用的过程中,还要注意多思、敢问、善问。可准备一个问题本,真正弄懂、吃透地理概念、地理原理和地理规律,既要知其然,更要知其所以然,达到举一反三的目的。 First, to strengthen the overall awareness and establish a knowledge system to establish a complete knowledge structure system is more valuable than grasping a large number of specific fragmented knowledge. In the learning process, if we only focus on grasping the details of knowledge and neglecting the understanding and mastering of the knowledge structure as a whole, it will reduce the intellectual value of knowledge and make the acquired knowledge difficult to become a reliable basis for further exploration in the future. In the process of knowledge organization and processing, accompanied by a series of thinking activities such as analysis, judgment, induction, deduction, comparison, classification, summarization, generalization, and reasoning, it can be said that this process is also the process of comprehensive thinking training. Through this process, you can deepen your understanding of knowledge and enhance your memory. At the same time, you can also find problems, make up for loopholes, and correct mistakes. In the process of exploration, discovery, induction, and application of basic principles and laws, we must also pay attention to thinking, dare to ask, and ask good questions. It is possible to prepare a problem book, really understand and understand the geographical concept, geographical principles, and geographical laws. It is necessary to know what is going on, and to know why it is necessary, and to achieve the purpose of inference.
利用从俄罗斯引进的AD1000 数控研磨抛光机对Φ330mm ×35m m 、230m m ×230m m ×40m m 两块K9材料平面光学元件进行计算机控制抛光工艺研究。通过工艺研究全面熟悉了设备的技术特性和工艺软件特性,验证了
本文论述了中红外与短波红光综合治疗仪的设计原理;描述了该治疗仪的系统结构;最后对该治疗仪的功能与适应范围进行了介绍。 This article discusses the design principles
明目皓齿自古以来是美人的标志。 不仅如此,一个人一生中从未被可怕的牙钻折磨过,该是一件多么幸福的事!更何况牙齿的健康关乎整个身体的健康。 Ming eyes white teeth sinc
牙床骨髂小影响牙齿排列吗? 问:我女儿2岁8个月了,到现在为止,还有两颗磨牙和一颗虎牙没有萌出,怎么办?我本人牙齿不好,下颌牙床小,有时咬合后看不见下颌牙齿,我怕女儿长恒
采用多针孔线阵配X光条纹相机, 由多个针孔的一维条纹图像的数据, 利用图像处理技术重建出二维图像. 由此获得一项高时间分辨的二维空间成像技术(MIXS), 此技术利用现有的设