价格是市场的晴雨表,有人形象地把它比喻为商品的“鼻子”。在营销组合中,订价策略是唯一能给企业带来直接收入的因素,对企业的整个市场营销活动及其经营目标有着极其重要的作用,越来越受到人们的重视。据美国经济学家调查,美国的大企业在50年代和60年代时还将订价策略的重要性次序排在营销组合策略诸因素第六位,但从70年代以来,已将订价策略的重要性提升到首位。 在现实生活中,订价是一个令营销人员伤脑筋的问题。低价虽可实现“薄利多销”的目标,但一不留神却可能会使商品背上“廉价品”的罪名;高价虽有助于
Price is a barometer of the market, and it is vividly compared to the “nose” of commodities. In the marketing mix, the pricing strategy is the only factor that can bring direct income to the company. It plays an extremely important role in the company’s overall marketing activities and its business objectives, and is increasingly valued by people. According to surveys by US economists, the large US companies ranked the order of importance of pricing strategies in the order of the sixth factor in marketing mix strategy in the 1950s and 1960s, but since the 1970s, they have adopted pricing strategies. The importance is raised to the top. In real life, pricing is a problem for marketers. Although low prices can achieve the goal of “small profits but quick turnover,” they may be guilty of carrying out “cheap goods” on indecent prices;