为什么只是碎片呢?也许我也不知道有谁能够比马尔库什·久里(Márkus Gyuri,其中Gyuri是Gy9rgy[乔治]的昵称。匈牙利人[匈牙利语]姓名顺序是姓在前、名在后,兹译从之———译者注)更清晰、更明白、更准确地进行思考;我认为,肯定没有。那么,我为什么要写他的碎片呢?事实上,我可以说,来去匆匆的时光迫使人们不可能回避碎片。我始终在想,我自己应该通过他发表的著作来建构一个完整的肖像,然而抱歉的是,在他逝世以来的几周里,我还没有足够的时间来做。所以只能是碎片。那
Why do I just fragment it? Maybe I do not know who else is better than Márkus Gyuri, of which Gyuri is the nickname of Gy9rgy [Hungarian] The name order is surname first, last name, It translates from --- Translator’s Note) clearer, more clear, more accurate thinking; I think, certainly not. So, why should I write his pieces? In fact, I can say that hurrying time is forcing people to avoid shreds. I have always wondered that I myself should construct a complete portrait through his published work, but I’m sorry, I have not had enough time to do it in the weeks since his death. So only fragments. that