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韦晕是“马华现实主义文坛三剑客”之一,他在小说创作中大量采用回忆叙述,反复书写生活在回忆中的人物,展现独特的时间意识及其叙述技巧。其小说常常以“风”和“烟”等朦胧意象,把时间的多重维度重叠起来,拓展了小说叙述的可能性;小说中的人物都有着刻骨铭心的过去,他们常常把现在过去化,企图通过留恋过去而逃避现在;有些人物也会将过去现在化,把虚幻的回忆带进现在这个时空。韦晕的小说真实地再现了华人移民海外的苦难历程,深刻地反映出华人移民在脱离了自身母体文化之后的情感矛盾,并为我们提供了一种通过回忆叙述叩问生命意义的独特方式。 Wei Wei is one of the “Three Musketeers in the MCA Realism Literary World.” He used a lot of recollections of narratives in his novels and repeatedly wrote characters living in memories to show his unique sense of time and his narrative skills. His novels often overlap the multiple dimensions of time with the obscure images such as “Wind” and “Smoke”, which expands the possibility of narration. The characters in the novel all have unforgettable past and often put the present time In the attempt to evade the present by nostalgia for the past, some will also modernize the past and bring unreal memories into the present time and space. Wei Zhen’s novel truly reproduces the overseas Chinese suffering history of Chinese immigrants and profoundly reflects the emotional contradictions of Chinese immigrants after they have left their maternal culture and provides us with a unique way of inquiring into the meaning of life through memoirs.
引言布罗肯·希尔联合熔炼公司皮里港厂生产的白银,主要来自布罗肯·希尔矿山,其余部分自购入的矿石或精矿产出。布罗肯·希尔精矿的典型分析为: INTRODUCTION The silver
<正> 许多人为面部皮肤粗糙而苦恼,一般的护肤品又难以改善。下面5种方法可帮你改善肌肤。1 甘油醋搽剂涂面用食醋(白醋最好)与甘油按5:1的比例混合,涂搽皮肤,可逐渐恢复皮肤
In the short novel of The Black Cat,the first black cat,the second one and the narrator’s wife are very important figures.They all have their denotative meanin
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近半年来笔者先后收到广西、湖南、云南的农村读者来信,均谈到为吸烟所困扰:一方面明知吸烟是引起肺癌的主要原因,另一方面又为烟瘾难戒所苦恼。故要求介绍一些适用于 In t