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城建档案是城市建设发展的历史和见证。它广泛涉及城市道桥、给水、排水、环卫、绿化、公交、人防、房屋建设等各个方面。反映时代变迁的城市建设事业要求档案工作同步迈入现代化、科技化、信息化时代,以确保二者之间的协调发展。城建档案对建设事业的健康发展起着举足轻重的作用。1、城建档案工作的服务属性—个城市要取得长足发展,一要靠规划,二要靠建设,三要靠管理。这些工作包括对城市历史沿革、水文地理、建筑质量的勘测,包括对一个城市总体规划、区域规划、专项规划的合理功能划分,也包括对城市基础设施、“三建四业”的科学管理。就功能而言,城建档案工作是为城市规划、建设及其管理提供技术保障、技术后勤的服务性工作,是城市建设这个系统工程的有力支撑杠杆。要高起点、高标准地科学规划跨世纪的城市蓝图,离不开城建档案工作的有力配合;城市基础设施建设要以翔实的城建档案资料为依据,城市建筑的魅力来源于丰厚的历史文化资源,而这种资源又是极具价值的建筑图片、声像信息等档案资料的集合;现代化的城市管理,与城建档案工作更是密不可分,高层建 Urban construction archives is the history and witness of urban construction and development. It involves a wide range of urban bridges, water supply, drainage, sanitation, afforestation, public transport, air defense, housing construction and other aspects. Urban construction that reflects the changing times requires that archives work should enter the era of modernization, science and technology, and informationization at the same pace so as to ensure the coordinated development between the two. Urban construction archives on the healthy development of construction plays a decisive role. 1, the service attributes of urban construction archives - a city to make great progress, one depends on the plan, the second depends on the building, three rely on management. These tasks include the investigation of the historical evolution of the city, hydrogeography and construction quality, including the rational functional division of an urban overall planning, regional planning and special planning as well as the science of urban infrastructure, “three construction and four industries” management. In terms of function, urban construction archival work is a service that provides technical support and technical logistics for urban planning, construction and management, and is a powerful lever for supporting the systematic construction of urban construction. A high starting point, a high standard of scientific planning of the city blueprint for the new century, can not do without the strong cooperation of urban construction archives; urban infrastructure construction should be based on informative urban construction archives based on the charm of urban architecture from rich historical and cultural resources , And this kind of resource is also a valuable collection of archival materials such as architectural pictures and audiovisual information. Modern urban management is closely linked with urban construction archives work. High-rise buildings
科教兴档是科教兴国战略的重要组成部分。档 案工作者肩负着保存历史档案和为经济建设服务的重要使命,但是,档案队伍的整体素质和管理水平还不能适应科教兴档的要求,建设一支高