贯彻全国科技大会精神 实施科教兴贸战略,促进流通产业发展

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贯彻全国科技大会精神实施科教兴贸战略促进流通产业发展杨树德国内贸易部副部长一、“八五”期间内贸系统科技工作回顾改革开放以来,内贸系统的科技工作不断取得新进展。“八五”时期,是建国以来内贸系统科技事业发展最快的一个时期,近5年来,我部共承担国家科技攻关... Implementing the Spirit of National Science and Technology Conference Implementing the Strategy of Rejuvenating Trade through Science and Education and Promoting the Development of Circulation Industry Yang Shude, Vice Minister of Domestic Trade I. Review of the S & T Work of the Domestic Trade System during the Eighth Five-Year Plan Since the reform and opening up, the scientific and technological work of the domestic trade system has made new progress. During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan”, it was a period of rapid development of science and technology of the domestic trade system since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. In the recent five years, our ministry has undertaken a total of national scientific and technological research.
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