顺应漆情 驾驭漆性——泼漆画札记

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以漆作画,可以追溯到春秋战国时期。汉代的漆器皿、盛唐髹饰上的金银平托、宋代的莳绘……都是我国传统漆文化的代表。现代中国漆画,正是根植于我国传统漆文化的沃土之中。当代漆画家们继承发展了我国漆艺的优秀传统,又不断拓展现代漆画的审美领域,为寻求现代漆画种种新的表现技法及其不同的艺术感染力,及在形成漆画家自己的风格特点上取得了可喜的成就。现代漆画已成为具有独特艺术魅力的画种,在发展民族文化方面起着应有的作用。最早涉足漆画的画家要推沈福文教授。他1935年留学日本,入松田漆艺研究所。1937年回国后,他不顾物质条件的困难和重重阻力,立志从技术和艺术两个方面复兴漆器艺术。他深入研究古代文献和出土文物,恢复了早已失传的未金镂、堆漆、斑纹及一些镶嵌工艺,创造了独树一帜的研磨彩绘工艺系统,成为我国这一漆艺学派的创始人,培养了一批漆艺术家。五十年代他的学生查文生的漆画“金鱼”在国际博览会上获得金奖。沈福文先生首 Painted with paint, can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period. The lacquer wares of the Han Dynasty, the gold and silver Pinto ornaments on the Tang dynasty and the dwarf paintings of the Song Dynasty ... all represent the traditional lacquer culture in our country. Modern Chinese lacquer painting is precisely rooted in the fertile soil of our traditional lacquer culture. Contemporary painters inherit and develop the fine tradition of lacquer art in our country, and constantly expand the aesthetic field of modern lacquer painting. In order to seek new expressive techniques of modern lacquer art and their different artistic appeal, and in forming their own style of lacquer painters Features have made gratifying achievements. Modern lacquer painting has become a unique artistic charm of the paintings, in the development of national culture plays its due role. The earliest painter involved in lacquer to push Shen Fuwen professor. He studied in Japan in 1935 and joined Matsuda Paint Institute. After returning to China in 1937, he ignored the material difficulties and obstacles and determined to revive lacquer art from both the technical and artistic aspects. He studied ancient documents and unearthed relics, restored the lost gold engraving, heap paint, markings and some mosaic techniques, and created the unique grinding and painting process system. He became the founder of this lacquer school in China and trained a Paint paint artist. In the 1950s, his student Chawensheng’s lacquer “Goldfish” won a gold medal at the International Exposition. Mr. Shen Fuwen first
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[摘 要] 在科技日新月异的今天,ERP 系统已经日益成为企业掌握自身和供应商的资源,及时地了解企业的运行情况,对市场变化及时地做出反应的一个有效工具。物资采购和销售是企业资金、成本管理中极其重要的环节, 也是ERP 系统所需要的信息来源和所反应的结果输出的管理部门,ERP是现代企业管理的重要手段之一。对于中小企业并不十分完善的管理体系而言,更有着重要的作用。该文介绍了我企业采购管理模块的开发方案