
来源 :经济体制改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guxingyiren
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作者采用辩证唯物主义的两点论,从我国经济体制改革的实际出发,对若干社会经济现象深入到不同的文化、价值观去分析研究,抽象出了带规律性的实质问题。作者认为,中、西文化、价值观确有许多不同之处,由此而反映在经济、社会、文化等各个领域都存在着较大的差异,但二者又存在着互为中介化的规律性的方面。建设有中国特色的社会主义必须对此进行深层次的思考。即只有坚持中介的思维规律,才能深刻地认识改革开放过程中的新情况。解决新问题,揭示新规律,发展新理论。 The author adopts dialectical materialism two-point theory, proceeding from the reality of our country's economic system reform, analyzing and studying a number of social and economic phenomena into different cultures and values, and abstracting the substantive issues with regularity. The author believes that there are many differences between Chinese and Western cultures and values ​​and that there is a big difference in various fields such as economy, society and culture, but the two are interdependent in nature The aspect. The construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics must be deeply thought on. Only by adhering to the rules of thinking of intermediaries can we profoundly understand the new situation in the process of reform and opening up. Solve new problems, reveal new laws and develop new theories.
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康德拉季耶夫的长波理论,自问世以来引起了国际社会广泛的关注和研究。这种理论把经济增长的长期波动与技术革新联系起来。但是对长波这样一个由诸多因素共同作 Kondratiev
在国内的几个大城市中,都有着所谓的双子星大学,基本都是“文理综”VS“工科综”的形式,各有所长,但学校知名度和实力相差不大。同城相处,学校与学校之间,免不了明里暗里的相互比较,更少不了那融不进第三者的惺惺相惜。  就这样正正好,相遇  2015年七夕节的零点时分,上海交通大学官方微博用一句漂亮而温婉的英文向复旦大学表露“心迹”:  “Among thousands of people, you m
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Six patients infected with Cydospora cayetanensis who soughtmedical care at three different hospitals in Turkey are hereinpresented.Four patients were male and