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“十一五”期间中央将投入140亿元,其中100亿元用于加强职业教育基础能力建设。国家发改委、教育部今年6月已发布《关于编制中等职业教育基础能力建设规划的通知》,今后6年,中央财政计划每年投资10亿元,重点建设1000所县级职业教育中心和1000所示范性中等职业学校;40亿元专项用于支持中等职业教育贫困家庭学生助学制度建设。《财政部、教育部关于完善中等职业教育贫困家庭学生资助体系的若干意见》和《中等职业教育国家助学金管理暂行办法》确定,从2006年起,中央财政每年将安排8亿元重点支持中西部地区。财政支持将打破行业和所有制界限,只要是办学机制灵活、满足市场需求、毕业生就业率高的,都一视同仁,择优支持。 During the “Eleventh Five-year Plan”, the Central Government will invest 14 billion yuan, of which 10 billion yuan will be used to strengthen the basic capacity-building of vocational education. In June this year, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Education have promulgated the “Circular on Compiling the Basic Capacity Building Plan for Secondary Vocational Education”. In the next six years, the central government plans to invest 1 billion yuan a year, focusing on the construction of 1,000 county-level vocational education centers and 1,000 demonstrations Sex secondary vocational schools; 4 billion yuan earmarked to support secondary vocational education for poor students in student building system. Several Opinions of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education on Perfecting the Subsidy System for Students from Poor Families in Secondary Vocational Education and the Provisional Measures for the Administration of State Financial Aid in Secondary Vocational Education It has been decided that starting from 2006, the central government will allocate 800 million yuan a year to key support to the Midwest area. Financial support will break the industry and ownership boundaries, as long as the school is flexible mechanism to meet market demand, high employment rate of graduates are treated equally, the preferred support.
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