加强党的建设 实施科技兴站——记阜阳市卫生防疫站

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阜阳市卫生防疫站是全市卫生防病指导中心,担负卫生行政部门交付的公共卫生执法、卫生监督监测、传染病预防控制等项重要工作。多年来,坚持依靠党的组织,建设实施科技兴站的战略目标,在全站形成讲学习、比奉献、求团结、共发展的局面。 站领导认识到只有建立一支高素质的队伍,才能完成党和人民交付给的重任。只有依靠共产党员的模范作用才是取得胜利的根本保证。他们每年的工作计划都与党员目标管理挂钩,将党员目标管理与业务工作考核同部署、同落实、同考核。多年来形成了一个制度健全、行之有效、常抓不懈的良好机制,保证了党建工作内容充实、形式多样的生动局面。 Fuyang City Health and Anti-epidemic Station is the city’s health prevention and disease prevention center, and is responsible for the important work such as public health enforcement, health supervision and monitoring, and infectious disease prevention and control delivered by the health administrative department. Over the years, we have persisted in relying on the party’s organization to build strategic goals for the implementation of science and technology development stations, and formed a situation in which learning, dedication, solidarity, and common development took place throughout the entire station. The station leaders realized that only by establishing a high-quality team can they complete the important tasks that the party and the people deliver. Only relying on the exemplary role of party members is the fundamental guarantee for victory. Their annual work plan is linked to the party member’s goal management, and the party member’s goal management and business work assessment are deployed, implemented, and evaluated together. Over the years, a well-developed, effective, and often-reliable mechanism has been formed to ensure that the content of the party’s construction work is full of lively and diverse forms.
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