
来源 :杂交水稻 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lydr
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桃农1A是以自选中间材料644B作母本与宜香B杂交,F2代选单株与金23A测保,经多年多代回交转育而成的水稻籼型三系不育系。该不育系具有农艺性状优良、可恢复性好、繁殖制种产量高、米质优等特点,所配杂交晚稻组合桃优香占2012年被评为湖南省2等优质米品种。桃农1A及其组合桃优香占均于2015年通过湖南省品种审定。 Peach cultivar 1A was selected from the intermediate material 644B as the female parent and Yixiang B hybrid F2 selected single plant and gold 23A test insured, after many years of backcross inbred rice indica type three male sterile lines. The CMS line has the characteristics of excellent agronomic traits, good recoverability, high yield of breeding seed and good quality of rice. The hybrid late rice combination Tao You Xiang accounted for the second class of high quality rice varieties in Hunan Province in 2012. Peachong 1A and its combination Peach Youxiang accounted for the same variety in Hunan Province in 2015.
Tyrosine (Tyr) and sucrose (Suc) play an important role in plant growth.However,the crosstalk between Tyr and Suc in regulating the plant growth has remained unclear.In this study,it was found that Su
巷道一米一米地向前延伸,远远看去,犹如一条伸向地宫宽敞笔直的路。“轰隆隆,轰隆隆!”,掌子面又放了一碴炮,巷道又向前推进了2 m,窑哥们喜上眉梢。炮烟刚刚散尽,石臻拎起了钢钎,匆匆
Mutations induced from tissue culture are easily to be separated,which might be propagated in the same medium,especially for the color-leaf ornamental grass,Oxa
一条消防水带、一架云梯、一把斧子、一套防护服、一辆消防车、一个手电筒、一台个人定位装置,一个无人机系统(UAS),这会是城市消防下一个技术突破吗?rn1 无人机系统滑翔机rn
据美国《橡胶与塑料新闻》报导,德国大陆集团已向合资伙伴Sime Darby联盟产品公司,购买了在马来西亚的合资轮胎公司Continental Sime Tyre Sdn.Bhd剩余30%的股权。