Slurry Preparation and Rolling of Semi-solid 60Si2Mn Spring Steel

来源 :材料科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaohan5213250
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The nondendritic semi-solid slurry preparation of 60Si2Mn spring steel has been studied in this paper. The experiments have shown that when stirred for 2 min on the test condition, the semi-solid slurry with 50%~60% fraction solid and spherical primary austenitic grains in the size of 100~300μm can be obtained and is easy to be discharged from the bottom little hole of the stirring chamber. The nondendritic slurry of 60Si2Mn spring steel can be rolled into given plate form successfully, but the solid phase and liquid phase is easy to be separated in rolling process so that the solid primary austenite is concentrated in the center and the liquid is near the edge of the rolled plate. The rupture strength and elongation of the plate rolled only once with semi-solid slurry are lower than that of the traditionally repeated hot-rolled plate of 60Si2Mn spring steel.
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