Running State of Iron & Steel,Nonferrous Metals,Building Materials,Power,and Refractories Industries

来源 :China's Refractories | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjundu1980
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Iron & steel industry The output of crude steel in the first half of year 2010 was 323.172 million tons increasing by 21.09% YOY.The daily output of crude steel was 1.785 5 million tons corresponding to annual capacity of 065 billion tons.The export volumes of steel products and Iron & steel industry The output of crude steel in the first half of year 2010 was 323.172 million tons 增加 21.09% YOY. The daily output of crude steel was 1.785 5 million tons corresponding to annual capacity of 065 billion tons.The export volumes of steel products and
本文介绍了计算机网络管理的体系结构和协议,分析了IBM的计算机网络技术,着重论述了IBM的网络管理策略并给出了一个它在某CIMS重点应用工厂的具体应用例。 This paper introduces the ar
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系统性地介绍了岩体结构面抗剪强度的研究成果,讨论了结构面特性(如长度、起伏和充填条件)对结构面强度的影响及其在工程中的意义。 The research results of shear strength o
硕果累累 欣欣向荣──太原市第十二中学 Fruitful thriving ─ ─ Twelfth Secondary School in Taiyuan
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本文共检测各型病毒性肝炎、肝硬化血清β_2微球蛋白(β_2-MG)102例,结果提示该检测能反映肝病的活动程度,对诊断及判断预后有一定意义。 1 材料与方法 1.1 病例选择 102例
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