国防部官员们在三月初一次参院的秘密会议上说,如果想在部署可供作战使用的定向能武器系统方面取得实质性进展的话,就要求在高能激光器件.监视系统和指控以及运载工具的能力上取得进展。 某些五角大楼官员们的证词与由国防部高级研究计划局早先准备的一个高能激光技术评定中的观点是互相抵触的,该局的某些官员们也参与了这次秘密会议。
Defense Department officials said in a secret meeting of the Senate in early March that the desire to deploy high-energy laser devices if they wanted to make substantial progress toward the deployment of a directional energy weapon system for combat surveillance systems and allegations and the Ability to make progress. Some Pentagon testimony contradicted the idea of a high-energy laser technology assessment previously prepared by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and some of its officials also participated in the clandestine meeting.