优化人口产业结构 促进深圳经济集约式增长

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现代人口经济发展史表明,一个国家和地区人口产业结构的变动直接影响经济增长的速度和效益。因为从资本有机构成的角度看,人口在国民经济各行业的合理分布会提高不变资本在总资本中的比例,从而提高资本的有机构成,促进经济增长,这种经济增长是在不依靠投入、合理调整人口结构的情况下实现的,因而属于集约式经济增长。深圳市委二届二次会议明确提出要实现“三个根本性转变”,其中一点就是实现经济增长方式由粗放型向集约型转变。在新的形势下,运用1995年全国1%人口抽样调查最新数据,分析深圳市人口产业结构现状及存在的问题,探讨改进措施,对促进我市经济集约式增长是具有一定现实意义的。 The history of the modern population economy shows that the changes in the industrial structure of the population in a country and a region have a direct impact on the speed and effectiveness of economic growth. Because the rational composition of the population in all sectors of the national economy, from the perspective of the organic composition of capital, will increase the proportion of constant capital in total capital so as to enhance the organic composition of capital and promote economic growth, which is based on reliance on inputs , A reasonable adjustment of the demographic structure achieved under the circumstances, and thus belong to intensive economic growth. The Second Session of the Second Session of the Shenzhen Municipal Committee clearly proposed that “three fundamental changes” should be realized. One of the points is to realize the transformation of the mode of economic growth from extensive mode to intensive mode. Under the new situation, using the latest data from a sample survey of 1% of the population in 1995 in China to analyze the status quo and existing problems of Shenzhen’s population industrial structure and discussing measures for improvement are of practical significance for promoting the intensive economic growth in our city.
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