调整产品结构 增强发展后劲

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江苏建筑机械厂是建设部定点生产建筑机械的专业工厂。在“七五”期间,工厂依靠技术进步、大力发展新产品,努力调整产品结构、围绕上质量、上品种进行技术改造。目前,已初具生产规模,能够多品种、小批量的生产各种筑路机械与建筑机械。一、调整产品结构是生存发展的需要自1952年建厂以来,主导产品一直是水泥混凝土搅拌机。该类产品由于技术程度较低、附加值不高,所以工厂的经济效益、劳动生产率不能够有一个较大的飞跃,长期徘徊在机械制造工业的中下水平。1989年之后,我们结合国家的产业政策和我们工厂的具体状况,决定在技术改造、引进技术的基础上调整产品结构,在产品类别上除了继续保持搅拌机的生产水平外,将扩大路石机械和建材机械的开发。在产品技术上瞄准高技术、高附加值、 Jiangsu Construction Machinery Factory is a specialized factory for the construction of construction machinery by the Ministry of Construction. During the “7th Five-Year Plan” period, the factory relied on technological progress, vigorously developed new products, and made efforts to adjust the product structure, and to carry out technological transformation around quality and varieties. At present, it has begun to produce scale and can produce various types of road construction machinery and construction machinery in many varieties and small batches. First, the adjustment of product structure is the need for survival and development Since the establishment of the factory in 1952, the leading product has always been a concrete mixer. Due to the low technical level and low added value of this type of product, the economic efficiency and labor productivity of the factory can not have a big leap. It has long been in the middle and lower levels of the machinery manufacturing industry. After 1989, we decided to adjust the product structure based on the industrial policy of the country and the specific conditions of our factory on the basis of technological transformation and introduction of technology. In addition to continuing to maintain the production level of the mixer in the product category, we will expand road stone machinery and Development of building materials machinery. Targeting high technology and high added value in product technology
“调整结构、提高效益”是“八五”建设的指导方针。机电部第一设计研究院在为山西机器厂进行技术改造设计时,贯彻了这个方针,使该厂以有限的投入取得可观的经济效益。 “Ad