A Study on Swirling Flows in a Rectangular Channel(LDV Measurement, Flow Visualization and Large Edd

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanbingxingshi
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The purpose of this study is to make clear the behavior of swirling pipe flows with non-circular section. We have investigated experimentally and numerically the swirling flows in a rectangular channel with aspect ratio of 1.3, which is one of the typical pipe flow with non-circular section. In this paper, experimental apparatus with water circulation system is produced, and LDV measurement of the swirling flows is performed in order to clarify the mean velocities and turbulent quantity with higher accuracy. In addition, flow visualization for movement of vortex core region in the swirling flows is carried out using tracer method. Moreover, large eddy simulation (LES) of the flow field is made and compared with the experimental results. As results of these investigations, the behavior of the swirling flows in the rectangular channel is totally discussed. The purpose of this study is to make clear the behavior of swirling pipe flows with non-circular section. We have 19.8.2. Experimentally and numerically the swirling flows in a rectangular channel with aspect ratio of 1.3, which is one of the typical pipe flow with non -circular section. In this paper, experimental apparatus with water circulation system is produced, and LDV measurement of the swirling flows is performed in order to clarify the mean velocities and turbulent quantity with higher accuracy. In addition, flow visualization for movement of vortex core The results of the swirling flows are using the tracer method. As a result, large eddy simulation (LES) of the flow field is made and compared with the experimental results. As results of the investigations, the behavior of the swirling flows in the rectangular channel is totally discussed.
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