
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:birdlay
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军费是用于国防建设的特殊消费金。军品是军费的实物形态,属特殊消费品。在我国,随着物价体系的改革,市场调节范围扩大,指令性范围缩小,物价的变动直接波及军品,通过军品影响到军费的使用。其中,同市场联系密切的装备费和生活费受到的影响较大。对这一新的情况,必须认真研究。武器装备的交换离不开市场,但透过市场却不容易发现物价对装备费的影响。因为,我军武器装备是根据国家订货生产的,体现在这部分军品中的社会劳动,不是在市场上,而是在生产过程中就表现出来了。与此相联系,其价格具有以下特点:①它通常不是由市场上的竞争性买卖确定的,而是由国家机构直接指定,或者由军事订货机构同军工生产单位协商而定。②由于平时同类型 Military expenditure is a special consumption fund for national defense construction. Military goods are the physical forms of military expenditures and are special consumer goods. In our country, with the reform of the price system, the scope of market regulation has been expanded, the scope of directives has been narrowed, changes in prices have directly affected military products, and the use of military expenditures has been affected by military products. Among them, the equipment and living expenses closely related to the market are greatly affected. In this new situation, we must study it carefully. The exchange of weapons and equipment can not be separated from the market, but it is not easy to find the impact of price on the equipment costs through the market. Because our army’s weapons and equipment are manufactured according to the orders of the state, the social labor embodied in this part of the military products is manifested not in the market but in the production process. In connection with this, the price is characterized by the following characteristics: (1) It is usually not established by competitive trading in the market, but is directly designated by the state agency, or by military order agencies in consultation with military production units. ② usually the same type
据《Signal》1986年10月刊报道:日防卫厅已提出了一项3554.1万亿日元(大约为229.3亿美元)的1987年防御预算,该项预算超过1986年的6.3%。 According to Signal, October 1986
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一褚三宝  褚三宝是为了老褚才回村的。老褚死了,从观光塔上摔下来,摔死了。老褚是褚三宝的父亲。  褚三宝没忙着办丧事,而是先向儿子小褚问了死因,小褚道不出个所以然。褚三宝说:这我得找老钱,没老钱的责任我不讹他,但该他承担的,他得兜着。小褚不吱声,褚三宝知道儿子不吱声是因为小石。中午,褚三宝喝了点儿酒就回房睡了,饱睡了一个下午。他要养足了精神去找老钱。  镇上的观光塔虽然只建了不足三分之一就停工了,
导论法律论证理论(法律推理理论,Theorie der juristischen Argumentation;theory of legal reasoning)近些年来已经成为国际法律理论与法哲学讨论的核心论题之一~([1],[2])