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我县余积镇大万堡村铁盘沟果园,有一片叶稀枝枯的山杏树400株,由于管理粗放,土壤瘠薄,长期缺肥,产量低,品质差,很少有经济效益。1965年,他们将该园20年生的400株山杏,采取多头高位芽接法,全部换上了牛心李、秋李的枝芽,成活率达85%以上。取得了当年高接,第二年见花,第三年丰产的良好成效。5年共产李果5520公斤,产值2850元。比改造前增加产值2580元。近两年来,他们又相继改接换头500多株。 There are 400 strains of apricot trees in Dabanbao Village, Yuji Town, Yujiu Town, I County. Due to extensive management, infertile soils, long-term lack of fertilizer, low yield and poor quality, there are few economic benefits. In 1965, they took the 400-year-old Armeniaca spp. In the park for 20 years and took a long high bud budding method. They replaced all the buds of bovine heart and autumn leaves with a survival rate of 85% or more. Achieved the good results of the year when it was high, the next year saw the flowering, and the third year of high yield. 5 years, a total of 5520 kilograms of fruit Li, output 2850 yuan. 2580 yuan more than before the transformation to increase output value. In the past two years, they have successively changed their heads to more than 500 strains.
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美国西北部山区,是夏凉地区,作物生长季节短,普通早熟番茄品种,往往在早霜到来时还不能成熟,使番茄生产受到限制。为了培育适应当地生产的品种,为了培育适应 The mountaino
古老而未淘汰的梨品种——新高亲本为天之川×今村秋,在日本东京府园艺学校玉川农场杂交后,在神奈川县农事试验场育成,是1927年就发表的老品种,其 The ancient and unimpro