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“十五”期间,我区加快推进工业化、城镇化进程,大力实施“工业兴桂”战略,工业经济快速发展,工业投资规模迅速扩大,工业经济效益明显提高,强优企业发展壮大,重点产业实力增强,带动了农业和服务业发展,促进了城镇化水平的提高。在这一进程中,全区各地在新型工业化和新型城镇化道路上各自走出了一条特色之路:绿城南宁城市建设日新月异,逐渐显现出国际化都市的特征;柳州制造自主创新涌现众多品牌,奠定工业重镇地位;还有国际旅游城市桂林、滨海胜地北海、宝石城梧州、打造中小企业名城的玉林、铝都百色、桂东新城贺州……在这里,我们选择了梧州市、贺州市、钦州港、阳朔县、柳江县、桂林莱茵公司等六个单位作为代表,向读者展示他们坚持走科学发展之路,大力推进工业化城镇化取得的成绩和经验,为实施工业化、城镇化“十一五”规划加油鼓劲。 During the 10th Five-Year Plan period, our district accelerated the process of industrialization and urbanization and vigorously implemented the strategy of “developing industry and promoting Guangxi”. The rapid development of industrial economy, the rapid expansion of industrial investment scale, the obvious increase of industrial economic benefits, the strong growth and development of key enterprises The enhancement of strength has led to the development of agriculture and service industries and promoted the improvement of urbanization. In this process, all over the region in the new road to industrialization and new urbanization have each come up with a distinctive way: the rapid development of cities in the city of Nanning Greentown, gradually showing the characteristics of an international city; Liuzhou manufacturing innovation emerged in many brands, laid Industrial city status; there are international tourist city of Guilin, Beihai coastal resort, precious stone city of Wuzhou, to create a city of small and medium enterprises Yulin, Baidu Albatron, Guidong New City Hezhou ... ... Here, we have chosen Wuzhou, Hezhou, Qinzhou Port , Yangshuo County, Liujiang County, Guilin Rhine Company as the representative of six units to show readers their adherence to the road of scientific development, vigorously promote the achievements and experience of industrialization of urbanization, in order to implement the industrialization and urbanization “Eleventh Five-Year” Planning cheer cheer.
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广大的猫迷爱好者你们好,CAA 世界名猫展即将在2005年10月2~4日在北京朝阳公园与大家见面,希望能带给大家更多的惊喜。为了公平,CAA 每次大型猫展都会邀请两位评审,此举不但能
突出表理:  2001年下半年进入电脑整机市场,2003年销售额达到35.6亿元,2004年上升至50亿元,2005年则达到58亿元。2005年年初推出著名的4999元神舟笔记本,被业内称为“价格屠夫”。2005年8月,据国际权威调研机构IDC公布的2005年第二季度PC市场调研报告显示,神舟笔记本在零售市场占有率第二,仅次于联想,销量远高于第三名的惠普近一倍。    核心逻辑:  神舟电脑商业模
近日,南京市《关于加快发展南京新型光电产业的实施意见》出台,在更高平台上加快发展新型光电产业。到“十一五” 末,南京新型光电产业实现销售将收入超过1500亿元,年均增长