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中华医学会山东分会,于9月28日至29日举行了学会工作座谈会。参加座谈会的有各专区、市学会工作干部。在座谈会上,座谈了学会工作革命化的问题,研究了学会组织工作、普及工作和学术活动等问题。与会同志经过座谈进一步认识到,面向农村开展医学科学技术知识普及工作,把医学科学技术知识交给农民,这是一项具有战略意义的重要任务。普及工作的内容要从实际出发,从群众的普遍的迫切要求出发,以防治农村常见病多发病为主。学会开展普及工作,要与各有关部门密切协作。农村医务人员和参加农村巡回医疗队的医务人员,要特别注意组织不脱产的卫生人员开展卫生宣传工作。与会同志一致认为,开展学术活动要贯彻突出政治、面向农村的方针,面向广大农村医务人员,帮助他们解决实际问题,满足他们对提高医学科学技术水平的要求。大家根据已有经验提出,结合农村巡回医疗队开展学术活动,是一个很好的方式。在座谈会期间,山东省科学技术协会李戴副主席,向与会干部和驻济南各单位医务人员三百余人,作了关于学会工作革命化问题的报告。他在报告中论述了卫生工作重点转向农村的重要意义,勉励学会会员积极响应党的号召,下乡上山,为五亿农民服务。 The Shandong Branch of the Chinese Medical Association held a seminar on the work of the Society from September 28 to 29. Participating in the symposium are various districts and city associations working cadres. At the forum, the issue of the revolutionary work of the society was discussed, and issues such as organization work, popularization work, and academic activities were studied. The comrades at the meeting further learned through the discussion that it is a strategic and important task to carry out the popularization of medical science and technology knowledge in rural areas and give medical science and technology knowledge to farmers. The content of popularization work must proceed from reality and proceed from the general urgent requirements of the masses to prevent and control the common diseases in rural areas. Learn to carry out popularization work and work closely with relevant departments. Rural medical personnel and medical personnel participating in the rural medical team must pay special attention to organizing health personnel who do not produce to carry out health promotion work. The comrades at the conference agreed that academic activities should be carried out in accordance with the principle of highlighting politics and facing the countryside, and they should be used by rural medical personnel to help them solve practical problems and meet their requirements for improving medical science and technology. According to the existing experience, we have proposed that combining rural medical teams with academic activities is a good way. During the symposium, Vice Chairman Li Dai of the Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Association gave a report on the revolutionization of the Institute’s work to more than 300 medical staff of the participating cadres and units in Jinan. In his report, he discussed the importance of shifting the focus of health work to rural areas and encouraged members of the society to respond positively to the Party’s call to go to the countryside to serve the 500 million farmers.
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
一、医囑的处理: 1.新開的医囑——医師開了医囑后,必須簽字,護士將它抄在大小藥牌上,兩个藥牌都要寫上床号、姓名、藥名、剂量和時間,然後再將医囑抄至病歷中的医囑單上。