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语言迁移现象是指学习者在用目的语进行交际时,试图借助于母语的语音、词义、结构规则或文化习惯来表达思想的一种现象。语言迁移一般有两种:即正迁移和负迁移。正迁移有利于外语学习,负迁移则阻碍外语学习。笔者以大学生英语作文中的迁移为例,进一步说明了这一现象对学生外语学习的影响,外语教学应对此现象加以重视。 The phenomenon of language transfer refers to a phenomenon in which learners try to express their thoughts through the use of their native language’s phonetics, meanings, structural rules, or cultural habits when communicating with the target language. There are generally two kinds of language migration: positive migration and negative migration. Positive migration is good for foreign language learning, and negative migration is hindering foreign language learning. The author takes the migration of college students’ English composition as an example to further illustrate the impact of this phenomenon on students’ foreign language learning. Foreign language teaching should pay attention to this phenomenon.
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