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认真学习江泽民总书记“三个代表”的思想,贯彻落实《中共中央关于加强和改进党的作风建设的决定》是当今摆在全党全军全国人民面前的头等大事。重庆电视人以“多谢四方众乡亲”台庆活动向党和人民再次献上了一份优秀的答卷。重庆电视人认为“形式主义的要害是贪图虚名,不务实效,劳民伤财”;明确提出“深入群众要讲求实效,不要增加基层和群众的负担,坚决反对搞花架子”;坚持做到爱惜人力、财力、物力,着力解决国家和人民群众的当务之急,反对搞华而不实和脱离实际的“形象工程”、“政绩工程”。他们以捐赠彩电、希望小学……等为内容的“多谢四方众乡亲”活动历时一个月,赢得了社会各界的好评。我们赞赏重庆台求实、务实的精神,同时,殷切地希望全国各地电视台也能从中得到深刻的启示。 Studying General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s thinking of the “three represents” and implementing the “Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Strengthening and Improving the Party’s Style Construction” are the top priorities for the entire party, the entire party and the entire nation today. Chongqing TV people once again presented an excellent questionnaire to the party and the people with the celebration of “Thank Four Quartet”. Chongqing TV people think that “the crux of formalism is to seek the name of vanity, not to be pragmatic, and work hard to save money.” They clearly put forward the principle of “deepening the masses’ stress on actual results, not increasing the burden on the grassroots and the masses, and resolutely opposing the use of flowers and shelves.” They persisted in cherishing their human and financial resources , Material and physical resources, efforts to solve the immediate priorities of the country and the people, objected to engage in flashy and from the actual “image project”, “achievements project.” They donated color TV, hope primary school ... ... and so on for the content of the “thank the Quartet all folks” activities lasted a month, won the praise of all sectors of society. We appreciate Chongqing’s realistic and pragmatic spirit, and we sincerely hope that the television stations all over the country can also get profound revelations.
日本神户制钢所生产的1600型4.6米~3电铲的电控系统中,采用了反相继电器(The Reverse PhaseRelay)。它保证只有在电源三相平衡和相序正确时,才能启动电铲,对安全运行有一定
本文利用UG NX8.5高级仿真的静力学解算模块,以水泵叶轮为分析对象,依次创建有限元模型和仿真模型,计算出该模型的应力和应变响应值,并以此值作为疲劳分析的名义值,通过创建
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