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1.8万年前,在挪威西海岸外,海底发生了山崩,大约5.6万亿立方米的沉积物从大陆坡上缘向海盆地里滑动了800公里。大量的泥土推开海水,引起了极其可怕的后果:毁灭性的海啸突然间吞没了海岸线!祸从何起1998年夏,科学家们对海底进行探测后发现,这里有不稳定的水合物。早在30年代,工程师发现他们的气管和油管被一些富含气体的水晶(即水合物)堵塞着。经测试,这种类型的 Some 18,000 years ago, landslides occurred on the seabed beyond the west coast of Norway, and about 5.6 trillion cubic meters of sediment slid 800 kilometers into the basin from the upper edge of the continental slope. Plenty of dirt pushed the sea, causing the most horrifying consequences: a devastating tsunami suddenly engulfed the coastline! Where did the disaster go? In the summer of 1998, scientists probed the seabed and found that there are unstable hydrates. As early as the 1930s, engineers discovered that their trachea and tubing were clogged with gas-rich crystals (hydrates). Tested, this type of
2008-09-052008年8月1日至8月31日,昆明市工商局广告监督管理机关对3家报纸、一家网站进行了监测,共监测广告62715条,其中涉嫌违法广告 2008 - 09 - 052008 From August 1 t
All water, even rain water, contains dissolved chemicals which scientists call “salts.” But not all water tastes salty. Water is fresh or salty according to
刘成跃在市里经营着一家报刊亭,尽管他的报刊亭地处城市繁华地段,但由于在他的报刊亭的方圆百十米内,还有三家报刊亭在卖同样的报刊杂志,因此,他的生意一直不太好。 Liu Che
“民族的就是国际的”,一定意义上可以说这是不同专业的艺术家们共同追求、共同探索的目标。在这种探索的认同、理解与诠释上却是千差万别的。 对他人主见,我们不妄加评论。
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Biliary cystic tumors,such as cystadenomas and cystadenocarcinomas,are rare cystic tumors of the liver,accounting for less than 5% of all intrahepatic cysts of