人可以用来做什么,亦即人有多少种用途? 在少时,老师和家长往往都这样教育孩子:当科学家、文学家、音乐家、歌唱家等等,大约不出十个字。于是,许多人憧憬着科学家、文学家、音乐家、歌唱家。然而,真正当了科学家、文学家、音乐家、歌唱家的却寥寥无几,倒是沦为平庸之辈者居多。这就使人好像明白了一个道理:大多数人原本只配做平庸之辈。事实果然如此吗? 曾经,我国召开过一次研究创造的会议。会上,日本的创造学家村上信雄走上主席台,拿出一把曲别针,同时提出一个问题。他问:“这些曲别针有多少用途?”当时在场的一位中国学者说有30多种。村上信雄自己证明有300多种。大家为他热烈鼓掌。这时台下有人递上来一个条子,条子上写到:我明天将发表一个观点,证明这个曲别
What people can use to do, that is, how many people use it? At a young age, teachers and parents tend to educate their children in such a way that when there are scientists, writers, musicians, singers, etc., about ten words are missing. As a result, many people look forward to scientists, writers, musicians, singers. However, few really worked as scientists, writers, musicians, and singers, but they were mostly mediocre. This makes one seem to understand the truth: Most people were originally only made mediocre. Has the truth turned out to be the same? Once, our country held a meeting of research and creation. At the meeting, Japan’s creative scientist Murakami embarked on the podium, took out a paper clip, at the same time raised a question. He asked: “How many uses do these needles have?” A Chinese scholar said there were more than 30 kinds. Murakami himself proved that there are more than 300 kinds. Everyone applauded him warmly. At this time someone was handed a note under the table, saying: I will post a point tomorrow to prove that this song