一、入世给中小企业带来的影响和机遇 入世给我国中小企业改制带来紧迫感和良机。 WTO以市场经济为基础,以自由竞争为原则,因而对各成员国的基本要求就是其经济体制必须是市场经济体制。而我国大部分中小企业由于产权模糊、政企不分,缺乏自主经营、自负盈亏、自我发展、自我约束的内在机制,很不适应现代市场经济的要求,迫切需要从制度上全面改革,以期与WTO要求的市场体制相容。入世以后,我国参与经济全球化合作的
First, the WTO accession to the SME's impact and opportunities The accession to WTO in our country brings the sense of urgency and opportunity for SME restructuring. Based on the principle of market economy and free competition, the basic requirement of each member state is that its economic system must be a market economy. Most SMEs in our country do not meet the requirements of the modern market economy because of their vague property rights, lack of separation of government from enterprises, lack of self-management, self-financing, self-development and self-restraint. Therefore, Market system required by WTO is compatible. After joining WTO, our country participates in the economic globalization cooperation