Malaria after living donor liver transplantation:report of two cases

来源 :黑龙江科技学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aska1982st
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BACKGROUND:Infectious complications are common during the postoperative course of a liver transplant recipient. Malaria, however, is a rare complication in such a setting. METHOD:We report post-transplantation malaria causing elevation of liver enzymes in two recipients. RESULTS:Both patients who had undergone living donor liver transplantation showed elevated levels of liver enzymes and fever during the postoperative course. Investigations (including liver biopsy in one patient) were initially inconclusive in determining the cause of liver dysfunction. The diagnosis of malaria was established in both cases by peripheral blood smear. Liver function transiently worsened with antimalarial treatment but subsequently became normal. CONCLUSION:This report highlights the importance of excluding such uncommon causes of post-transplantation liver dysfunction, especially when either the recipient or the donor comes from a region endemic for malaria.
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