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浅谈护士长在医院感染管理中的地位与作用张衡波曾兴煦(附属医院341000)医院感染管理与护理工作关系极为密切。多数预防医院感染的措施涉及到护理人员,而多数的护理操作又是建立在消毒隔离的基础上进行。所以,护理人员是控制医院感染的主力和先锋〔1〕,而护士... Talking about the position and function of head nurse in hospital infection management Zhang Hengbo Zeng Xingqi (Affiliated Hospital, 341000) The relationship between hospital infection management and nursing work is very close. Most measures to prevent hospital infections involve caregivers, and most of the nursing operations are based on disinfection and isolation. Therefore, nursing staff is the main force and pioneer in controlling hospital infections [1], while nurses...
198 6年~ 1998年在对聋哑人普查及门诊就诊的耳聋病人 3373例中发现 34例与遗传性聋相关的综合征 ,现报道如下 :1 临床资料1 1 Usher综合征 16例 ,见表 1。1 2 Waardenburgs综合征 15例 ,见
Whydobirdssinginthemorningandfrogscallatnight?Whydomostheartattacksstrikebeforedawn,whileasthamaticattacksoccuraftersunset?Whydow Whydobirdssinginthemorningandfrogscallatnight? Whydomostheartattacksstrikebeforedawn, whileasthamaticattacksoccuraftersunset
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