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今年一月,我们到日本滋贺县图书馆进行了两个月的研修,对县立图书馆各部门的业务工作进行了全面考察和学习,并在县厅所在地大津市立图书馆实习了一周,还参观了县内其他六个公共图书馆,所见所闻给我们印象最深的是他们的读者服务工作。滋贺县现有公共图书馆十二个,其中县立图书馆一个,市立图书馆七个,町村立图书馆三个,私人图书馆一个。滋贺曾经是日本图书馆事业比较落后的一个县,一九六五年全国图书馆事业进入飞跃发展时期,而该县包括一个私人图书馆在内仅有三个图书馆,到一九七六年只增加两个图书馆,发展速度落后于全国一般水平。图书馆事业在该县的迅速发展是从一九七八年开始的,到一九八三年全县图书馆增至十二个,其中十个馆于一九七八年后修建了新馆舍。最为突出的是, In January of this year, we went to Japan’s Shiga Library for a two-month training program. We conducted a comprehensive study and study of the operations of various departments of the Prefectural Library and conducted a one-week internship in the Otsu Municipal Library, Also visited the other six public libraries in the county, the most impressive what we saw and heard was their reader service. There are 12 public libraries in Shiga Prefecture, including one county library, seven municipal libraries, three village and village libraries, and one private library. Shiga used to be one of the prefectural counties in Japan that lagged behind the cause of the library. In 1965, the national library business entered a period of rapid development, and the county only had three libraries, including a private library. By 1976 Only adding two libraries, the pace of development lags behind the national average. The rapid development of library undertakings in the county started in 1978 and the number of libraries in the entire county increased to 12 in 1983, of which 10 were newly built after 1978 Homes Most notably,
石家庄市依靠科技进步 提高管理水平 近年,石家庄市积极推进水资源统一管理进程,坚持依靠科技进步,提高水资源管理现代化水平。 一是理顺体制,实现水资源统一管理。2002年12
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