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一、企业的经济属性与经营机制的关系企业的经济属性是指企业作为某种性质的经济单位,以某种方式从事经济活动的内在规定性。企业的经营机制是指企业的经济属性的实现形式和运行方式。企业的经济属性与其经营机制的关系是内容与形式的关系。一般说来,企业具有什么样的经济属性,也就具有什么样的经营机制。一个具有产品经济属性的企业,它的经营机制一定带有产品经济的特征,同样,一个具有商品经济属性的企业,它的经营机制则必定带有商品经济的特点。企业具有什么样的经济属性,采取什么样的经营机制,不是由企业自身决定的,而是由一定的经济管理体制决定的。因为任何一种类型的企业都是在具体的社会经济关系 I. The relationship between the economic attributes of an enterprise and the operating mechanism The economic attribute of an enterprise refers to the internal stipulation of the enterprise as a certain kind of economic unit and engaging in economic activities in a certain way. The operating mechanism of an enterprise refers to the form and mode of operation of the economic attributes of the enterprise. The relationship between the economic attributes of an enterprise and its operating mechanism is the relationship between content and form. In general, what kind of economic attributes a company has has what kind of operating mechanism. An enterprise with product economic attributes, its operating mechanism must have the characteristics of product economy. Similarly, an enterprise with commodity economic attributes, its operating mechanism must have the characteristics of commodity economy. What kind of economic attributes an enterprise has and what kind of operating mechanism it adopts is not determined by the enterprise itself, but is determined by a certain economic management system. Because any type of company is in a specific social and economic relationship
For fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composites(CMCs),oxidation of the constituents is a very important damage type for high temperature applications. During the
<正> 《明史》卷77《艺文志》二曰:“胡諲,《河南总志》十九卷。”(中华书局标点本是第2409页) 按:“諲”误,应作“谧”字。胡谧,字廷?,浙江会稽人,天顺元年进士。该志修于成化二十年(1484年)。据成化二十二年刻本,卷首有胡谧“河南总志自序”。顺治《河南通志》前序云:“旧有通志,天顺间创始于提学副使刘公昌,后十余年副使胡公谧略加芟润”。黄虞稷《千顷堂书目》卷六,《钦定续文献通考》卷一百七十,《中国地方志综录》177页,《中国地方志联合目录》均作胡谧,《河南总志》十九卷。
阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 (OSAS)患者往往同时存在慢性阻塞性肺疾病 (COPD)或/及心脑血管疾病 ,临床表现多样 ,变化急骤 ,处理不当可发生呼吸衰竭而导致猝死[1]。如能及时处理 ,尤其是早