
来源 :艺术沙龙 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loverzhouweia
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今天是信息时代,真正好的艺术品一定会留下,好的艺术家一定不会被埋没。我们的眼界是否足够开阔,我们对艺术的认识是否足够深刻,学养是否足够丰厚才是需要我们担心的。《艺术沙龙》:您怎样评价“70后”“80后”画家的艺术创作?赫英海:随着“70后”画家陆续步入不惑之年,他们的作品,无论是从艺术创作还是从艺术品市场的角度考量,都已逐渐成为当下的生力军。从成长环境来看,“70后”艺术家大多数是经学院的教育而成长的,理论体系完善,加之实践能力强,艺术视野开阔,大都常年有一名或多名导师指导,并大多以自己所熟悉的生活为艺术表达的范围。对于他们来讲,学习传统与艺术创作或许最初只是一种学习过程之中的被动选择,但他们由被熏陶、演练而逐渐走向熟知和 Today is the information age, real good artwork will definitely stay, good artists will not be buried. Whether our horizon is wide enough, whether our understanding of the arts is profound enough, and whether our schooling is rich enough or not requires our concern. “Art Salon”: How do you evaluate the artist’s artistic creation after “70s” and “80s”? He Yinghai: With the post-70s artists moving into the age of perplexity, their works, From art creation or from the art market perspective, have gradually become the current force. From the perspective of growth environment, the majority of “70s” artists grew up through college education. Their theoretical systems are perfect. In addition, they have strong practical ability and broad artistic vision. Most of them have one or more supervisors throughout the year and most of them The familiar life is the range of artistic expression. To them, learning traditions and artistic creations may initially be just passive choices in the learning process, but they are gradually becoming more familiar and
摘 要: 教师的职责是教书育人,教师是知识的传授者,更是引导学生成为一个有用之人的引路人。高职教育是以培养具有一定理论知识和较强实践能力的实用型、技能型人才为教学目的的,同时高职学生也具有其典型特征。因此高职教师的素质对培养和造就一大批德、智、体全面发展的复合型人才起着重要的作用。高职教师必须寓德于教、为人师表,才能取得最佳的教学效果。  关键词: 高职教师 职业精神 以身作则 热爱学生 不断学习
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