Importance of Language Symbols in Mass Communication

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Language symbols fall into two categories:audible language and inaudible language;both of them are necessities in the process of mass communication.During the process,any deviations in languages,audible or inaudible,will lead to mistakes in communication,affect the communication effect or even give rise to malfunction of communication.Scientific and reasonable understanding of the importance of language symbols in mass communication is an approach to fully understand the communication process and communication means,and to improve the communication efficiency.Only through the right understanding of the importance of language symbols in mass communication,can we master correctly the communication process,improve communication efficiency,enhance the communication capability of communicators and grow to be the most outstanding communication professionals. Language symbols fall into two categories: audible language and inaudible language; both of them are necessities in the process of mass communication. Every process of mass communication even give rise to malfunction of communication. Scientific and reasonable understanding of the importance of language symbols in mass communication is an approach to fully understand the communication process and communication means, and to improve the communication efficiency. Notly through the right understanding of the importance of language symbols in mass communication, can we master correctly the communication process, improve communication efficiency, enhance the communication capability of communicators and grow to be the most outstanding communication professionals.
辅导教师:潘昌盛  初中阶段的我,不仅努力学习了课内的文化知识,还留心总结了一些学习数学的方法。渐渐地,我形成了一套有我的特色的学习方法,但如果你真正了解了我的学习方法的内涵与真谛的话,你会发现这一方法不仅仅是用于我,还适用于很多同样的同学。由于我接触的中上等的同学比较多,此方法更适用于学习上不错,但总也不能十分拔尖的同学。  其实学习方法多种多样,不同的人也要采取不同的学习方法。我写这篇文章也只
摘 要:词义的选择是翻译的根本,而句式的选择是翻译能否地道的关键。因此句式的选择就成了翻译的主要任务之一。那么,如何解决这一问题呢?首先我们应了解句式受哪些因素的影响,其次是了解中英文结构的不同;然后注意翻译中句式的转换,掌握正确的步骤。本文将就以上几点加以探讨。  关键词:因素;句式异同;中英翻译;步骤  一、影响句式的因素  中西两种不同文化对人们的思维方式有着重要的影响。傅雷说“东方人和西方
随着小学语文新课程标准的改革不断深入,“对话式”教学理念逐渐被倡导,特别是“单元导学式”小学语文阅读教学模式的应用使得阅读教学从内容到方式上都焕然一新,真正体现出了学生的学习主体地位。然而在当前背景下,阅读教学的有效对话还存在诸多不完善的现象。因此,本文对这些不足之处做简要的探讨,并试图找到有效解决途径。  一、影响小学语文阅读教学“对话”效果提升的因素  (1)师生对话素养缺失以及教育环境的制约
目的 :观察支原体宫颈炎、衣原体性宫颈炎经阿奇霉素、干扰素栓联合治疗的效果.方法 :选取2015年1月至2016年9月在我院接受治疗的50例衣原体、支原体性宫颈炎患者作为研究对
摘 要:本文提出了職高信息技术课堂教学中存在的无效、低效的问题,从有效情境创设、有效学习、有效评价等几个方面给出了职高信息技术课堂有效教学的策略。  关键词:信息技术;有效教学;情境创设;策略  一、职高信息技术课堂教学中存在的问题  1.忽视情境的创设  情境之于知识,犹如汤之于盐,盐需要融入汤中才能被吸收,知识也需要融入到情境之中,才能显示出活力和美感。合理恰当的情境创设会激起学生学习的兴趣,