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哈达铺红军长征纪念馆,位于甘肃省宕昌县哈达铺镇,地处国道212线的交通要道上,南距宕昌县县城35公里,北距岷县县城35公里,西距迭部县腊子口70公里。长征期间,中国工农红军一、二、四方面军三大主力都曾从这里经过。哈达铺红军长征旧址坐落在由382家店铺组成的一条长约1200多米的街道上。“义和昌”药铺地处上 Hathapu shop Red Army Long March Memorial Museum, located in the town of Gansu Province Hadada Pu Had town, located in the national highway 212 line of traffic on the road south of Dangchang county town 35 kilometers north of Minxian County 35 kilometers west of Diebu County Lazi 70 km. During the Long March, the three main forces of the Chinese Workers ’and Peasants’ Red Army First, Second and Fourth Front Factions passed through here. Hadad Shop Red Army Long March site is located in 382 stores consisting of a more than 1,200 meters long street. “Yihe Chang ” pharmacy located on the floor
The sex pheromone of gypsy moth(+)-(7R,8S)-7,8-epoxy-2-methyl-octadecane(la)and its three other optical isomers 1b—d were synthesized stereoselectively from(+
The potential energy curve of MgH~+ and the potential energy surface of Mg_2H~+ arecalculated by quantum chemical ab initio SCF MO method with STO-3G basis set
本标准适用于以粉末冶金方法生产的用于气体和液体净化与分离的不锈钢过滤元件。1 型号及其表示规则1.1 型号管状元件:A1型、A2型、A3型。 This standard applies to the p
Perchlorofluoroalkanes such as Freon-113 are renowned for their chemical stabilityand thus are fiequently used in laboratory as inert solvents even for radical
为寻求高温环境下防渗碳涂料,将刷涂涂料的钢管放入以碳粒为介质的高温炉内进行渗碳的摸拟实验,结果表明:樟丹-磷酸铝涂料是防渗碳效果较好的涂料。 In order to seek anti-
(一)我国注册会计师执业环境存在的主要问题 1、无视法律规定,行政干预突出。主要表现在有的政府主管部门有法不依,无视《注册会计师法)、《公司法》等有关规定,干预委托人
价廉物美的新型辅助阴极—钌钛铱锰涂层及钛阳极成功地用于海上钢铁构筑的外加电流阴极保护系统中。 The new, affordable, auxiliary cathodes - the ruthenium-titanium-i