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邓小平同志关于国防科技工业改革与发展的理论,充分体现了当今中国的实际和时代特征,揭示了国防科技工业发展的客观规律,是他建设有中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要组成部分。本文结合我国国防科技工业的实际,从以下七个方面谈了学习邓小平有关国防科技工业改革和发展的体会:正确认识国防科技工业在新时期的地位和作用;积极稳妥地推进国防科技工业改革;按照军事战略的要求指导国防科研生产;努力实现国防科技工业由单一军品向军民结合的战略转变;努力开创多层次、全方位对外开放的新局面;国防科研生产要真正转到依靠科技进步上来;大力培养造就高水平的国防科技队伍。 Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s theory of the reform and development of the national defense science and technology industry fully embodies the actual and time characteristics of China today and reveals the objective laws governing the development of the national defense science and technology industry and is an important part of his theoretical system of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Based on the actual situation of China’s national defense science and technology industry, this paper discusses Deng Xiaoping’s experience in the reform and development of the national defense science and technology industry from the following seven aspects: a correct understanding of the status and role of national defense science and technology industry in the new era; actively and steadily promoting the reform of the national defense science and technology industry; In accordance with the requirements of the military strategy to guide the scientific research and production of national defense; strive to achieve the strategic transformation of the national defense science and technology industry from a single military to the integration of the military and the civilian population; strive to open up a new situation of opening up to the outside world at all levels and in all dimensions; Great efforts should be made to bring up a high standard of national defense science and technology team.
India’s power goddess finds a home in Shanghai Hindus’biggest festival season starts in October with the worship—puja—of Durga and continues well into Novem
前言 论文目的 这是论述正在进展中的ARE,Portsdown研究计划的各个方面的5篇论文中的第一篇;这个计划将应用知识型系统(KBS)技术来解决海军作战管理中危急时刻的问题。第二
“又解渴,又带凉,又加玫瑰又加糖,不信您就来碗尝一尝!酸梅的汤儿来——哎——一个大子一碗哟……”旧时抑扬顿挫的吆喝声早已被都市的喧嚣掩盖,随之消失的是孩童们巴望的眼神。不知从何时开始,路边剃头的少了,高档美发店多了;裁缝铺少了,高级成衣多了。老行当就这样默默的消失,空留怀念。  我们常常听到一句广告语——“寻找妈妈的味道”。对于妈妈味道的追忆正是对故乡的思念,是“乡愁”。《中央城镇化工作会议公报》
一  丁光辉是宏成物流的老总。宏成是一家家族企业,最早是由丁家的老爷子创办的,老爷子现在还是公司法人,但长年在国外,公司的经营由丁光辉负责,财务则掌管在他的老婆汪佳丽的手里。早年间,丁光辉就从老爷子那里得知,因为不育,他和汪佳丽都是老爷子夫妇俩抱养的。丁光辉随父姓,汪佳丽随母姓。直到成年,在老爷子的撮合下,他们才成了一对夫妻。为了这事,丁光辉一直很憋屈。因为汪佳丽不仅长得丑,性格也彪悍。每次吵架,