
来源 :江苏水利 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangfanyuanhang1020
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在水利部与我省签署共同推进江苏水利现代化建设合作备忘录一周年之际,省水利厅召开全省水利现代化建设推进会议,交流工作经验,落实试点任务,明确工作要求,非常必要。2011年,是水利发展史上具有里程碑意义的一年。中央和省委分别下发1号文件,并先后召开高规格的水利工作会议,对加快水利改革发展和 On the first anniversary of the signing of MOU between the Ministry of Water Resources and our province to promote Jiangsu’s modernization of water conservancy, the provincial Water Resources Department held a promotion meeting for water conservancy modernization across the province to exchange work experience, implement pilot tasks and clarify work requirements. 2011 is a milestone in the history of water conservancy. The Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee respectively issued No. 1 document and successively held high-level water conservancy working conference to speed up the development of water conservancy reform and
2型糖尿病 (diabetesmellitusoftypetwoDM2 )是常见的内分泌代谢疾病。运用分子生物学技术对致病候选基因的研究 ,尤其是基因组扫描技术在DM中的应用 ,探讨其遗传发病机制成为当今研究的热点。已证明 ,DM2 中
目的 观察体外电脉冲刺激膀胱 (transcutaneouselectrostimulationofvesica ,TEV)对糖尿病神经源膀胱 (diabeticneurogenicbladder,DNB)患者膀胱残余尿 (bladderresidueurin
目的 观察 β2 糖蛋白I( β2 GPI)基因转染的HEp 2细胞 (HEp β2 GPI)中 β2 GPI融合蛋白的过度表达。探讨以HEp β2 GPI为底物间接免疫荧光 (IIF)法检测抗β2 GPI抗体的可
一 一直以来,在教学与市场脱轨、学生不能适应当前市场发展需要的问题上,染织设计专业的教学备受指责,其原因是多方面的。市场需要高素质、全方位的设计人才是大势所趋。但
The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of congenital heart defects (CHD) in infants with gastroschisis. Study design: Infants with gastroschis