加强泉台交流合作 助推地方经济发展——访泉台民间交流协会会长 傅圆圆

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她长期在泉州市领导班子中任职,因工作关系,结识了很多台湾各界友人;她曾五度率团赴台参访,为加强泉台交流合作起到了重要推动作用。在最近一次访台归来后,本刊记者采访了她——泉台民间交流协会会长傅圆圆 She has served in the leadership team of Quanzhou for a long period of time and has made a lot of acquaintances with friends from all walks of life in Taiwan due to her work relationship. She led delegation tours to Taiwan for five times and played an important role in promoting exchanges and cooperation between Taiwan and Quanzhou. After returning from a recent visit to Taiwan, our correspondent interviewed her - Fu Yuan-yuan
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