
来源 :名人传记(财富人物) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhang_yingliang
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一个玩游戏长大的23岁青年,仅仅凭借着为这个“无聊的世界”所创造的两款网络游戏,就轻易拥有了一个亿的财富。他的成功来自于他完全根据自己的兴趣生活,而不是父辈的指点,也不是在社会安排好的阶梯上攀爬。在将自己设计的两款网络游戏以一亿元的价格卖给盛大公司后,23岁的彭海涛想做的第一件事就是为自己配置一台最先进的电脑。他一直在忙这件事,把人们的惊诧和议论抛在了脑后。7月27日,在成都家中,彭海涛面对着一床散乱堆放的主板、键盘、鼠标,正在组装这台新电脑,新增的配件成本近5万元。对他来说,游戏是第一位的,即使有了一亿元的财富也没让他心猿意马。彭海涛有着1.72米的个头,穿着运动短装,皮肤黑黑的, A 23-year-old who grew up playing games has easily owned a million dollars just by virtue of the two online games created for this “boring world.” His success comes from the fact that he lives entirely according to his own interests, not his father’s instructions, nor does he climb the socially arranged ladder. After selling the two online games they designed to Shanda at a price of 100 million yuan, Peng Haitao, 23, wanted to configure a state-of-the-art computer for himself. He has been busy with this matter, leaving people’s consternation and talk behind their heads. On July 27th, at his home in Chengdu, Peng Haitao faced a disorganized stack of motherboards, keyboards, and mice. He was assembling the new computer. The newly added parts cost nearly 50,000 yuan. For him, the game is the first, even if there is a one hundred million yuan of wealth does not make him happy. Peng Haitao has 1.72 meters in size, wearing short sports clothes and dark skin.
当年去俄罗斯做生意的人确实很多,今天,不熟悉那个时代的人,会羡慕我们见过世面;熟悉的人会安慰我们说,付出总有收获。 There were indeed many people who went to Russia
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Ihaven’t bought a computer yet, but I have been dreaming about it for a long time. In the 1980s, when my friends and neighbors returned from abroad and brough