
来源 :诗选刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:glx19891006
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将这一期的三校样送到印刷厂,已近岁末。回想起来,“《诗选刊》中国诗歌年代大展”已经编辑了13个年头了,13年足以使一个青年人变成中年,也会使一个中年人走向迟暮。时间就这么一年一年走着,无论你留下留不下痕迹,忽然间,就变幻了一个季节,忽然间,也就变幻了一个年代。重新翻开这13期刊物,上面的名字依旧让我们有着最初的兴奋,它几乎涵盖了新时期以来众多杰出的诗人,成为每年中国新诗的年度总结,成为研究当代中国诗歌发展进程的范本,成为中国诗歌的一个重要品牌。一些名字逐渐替代了另一些名字,我们见证了中国诗歌的发展进程,见证了一批批新诗人的崛起,见证了这些年来中国诗歌从单一走向多元,这是我们的 Three samples of this issue to the printing plant, late last year. In retrospect, the poetry anthology “Chinese poetry age exhibition” has been edited for 13 years, 13 years enough to make a young man into middle age, will also make a middle-aged people towards the end of life. Time is walking so year after year, whether you leave behind traces, all of a sudden, a change of a season, suddenly, it changed a generation. Re-opening the 13 journals, the above name still gives us the initial excitement. It covers almost all the outstanding poets since the new era and becomes the annual summary of the new Chinese poetry each year. It serves as a model for studying the development of contemporary Chinese poetry and becomes An Important Brand of Chinese Poetry. Some names gradually replaced other names. We witnessed the development of Chinese poetry and witnessed the rise of a group of new poets, witnessing the fact that Chinese poetry has moved from single to pluralistic over the years. This is our
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1991年4月19日中午11时左右,人们在昌图县马仲河镇南头村第二村民组的一个菜窖里,挖出3具血肉模糊的尸体. At about 11 noon on April 19, 1991, people dug up 3 bloody bo
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1990年10月30日早6点30分,北京292 医院宿舍楼工地还呈现着清晨的宁静。突然, “轰!咋!”两声巨响,惊动了街头早起的人们。 起初,大家都以为是工地楼板、泥浆从高空坠 落,然
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