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小学英语教学需要学生智慧的生成,需要课堂教学以英语知识为基础,以培养学生英语学习能力为核心,保障学生心理品质和价值观念的形成,以学生学习活动中的机智为重要表现形式。如此教学目标的实现,必须求得英语教学的课堂充分生成学生的智慧。从教育教学的实践看,生成学生智慧的课堂必须做到以下几个方面。一、正确的理念是生成学生智慧的基础所在小学英语课程的开设在我们所在的区域已有十多年,十多年来对英语教学的高度重视可以说是有目共睹的。但从实际教学情况看,过度而且不守规矩和原则的重视却不 Primary English teaching requires the generation of students’ wisdom, which requires that classroom teaching should be based on English knowledge. At the core of cultivating students’ English learning ability, psychological quality and values ​​of students should be protected and the wit in students’ learning activities as an important manifestation. The realization of such a teaching goal must be achieved in the classroom of English teaching to fully generate the wisdom of students. From the practice of education and teaching, students must be generated in the classroom must do the following aspects. First, the correct concept is to generate the basis of student intelligence where primary English courses opened in our region for more than 10 years, more than 10 years of English teaching can be said for all to see. However, from the actual teaching situation, excessive and unruly and principle-oriented attention does not
Thepromptγ-raydataofthermalneutroncaptureforA=1~19wereevaluatedandpublishedinAtomicDataandNuclearDataTables,26,511(1981).Sincet Thepromptγ-raydataofthermalneutroncapturefor A = 1 ~ 19wevaluatedandpublishedinAtomicDataandNuclearDataTables, 26, 511 (1981).
The Heavy Ion Beam Probe (HIBP) diagnostics on T-10 tokamak (R=150 cm, a=33 cm) was modified to measure the local values of the plasma potential in ECRH plasma
This paper presents the physics design of the irradiation box for an electron accelerator with a maximumenergy of 300keV and a beam intensity of 60mA. The lead