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目前,对于教师职业认同感的研究对象主要集中在城市中的教师群体,然而对于农村地区教师职业认同感的研究却并不多见,研究成果仍然比较少。因此,本研究有必要通过调查研究与深度访谈相结合的方式对四川省农村地区教师的职业认同感进行研究。 At present, the research object of teachers’ professional identity is mainly concentrated in the teachers group in the city. However, there are few researches on the teacher’s professional identity in rural areas, and the research results are still relatively few. Therefore, it is necessary for this study to study the professional identity of teachers in rural areas of Sichuan Province through a combination of investigation and research and in-depth interviews.
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