
来源 :东南司法评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhy1
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案件管理制度主要被用于根治司法的诉讼迟延与诉讼耗费,是应对司法危机的有效举措。早在1837年,英国就有由法官亲自主持审前程序、处理审前申请的案件管理制度雏形。在建立起现代案件管理制度的十多年中,英国以立法的形式不断完善该项制度。新的制度发展不仅表现在管理理念上,而且在案件分配、书证开示、专家证人等具体机制方面都有所体现。 The case management system is mainly used to delay the litigation and litigation costs of radicalizing the judiciary and is an effective measure to deal with the judicial crisis. As early as 1837, the United Kingdom had a prototype of a case management system in which the judge personally presided over the pretrial procedure and handled pretrial applications. In more than a decade of establishing a modern case management system, Britain has continuously perfected the system in the form of legislation. The development of the new system is not only reflected in the management concept but also reflected in specific mechanisms such as the distribution of cases, the issuance of documentary evidence and the expert witness.
The inlet plays a significant role in the hypersonic airbreathing propulsion. A fixed-geometry inlet is troubled by low air-capture ratio and large additional d
The major problems for the development of an ultra micro gas turbine system were discussed briefly from thestand point of the internal flow and the performance
政府是代表国家行使职权的组织机构,建设民主法治政府,积极稳妥地推进政治体制改革,大力构建社会主义和谐社会,是历史赋予的神圣职责。 The government is an organization
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一个多雨夏季的晴日,我在一处叫做重渡沟的深山溪流旁独坐。溪水径自流淌,水边的矢叶菊在斑驳的日影中绽放。青青的石竹草从岩缝中伸出茎叶,一丛丛地蔓延到溪水中。山风吹过竹枝,擦出散珠般的瑟瑟声。除此,就只有知了的嗡鸣了。  在这层峦叠翠的山野间,知了这不起眼的生灵,似乎成了万象的主宰。它们叫着,个个都很努力,似乎用了整个生命的力量,弹丸似的小躯壳抖动着,鸣奏出强大的音响,这音响交汇起来,此起彼伏,弥漫在