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为推动《中等职业学校教师专业标准(试行)》实施,以标准的能力框架为基准,选取其中三个维度(专业理念与师德、专业知识与专业能力)中16个具体指标,对9个省市1000余名中职教师专业素质开展了调查分析。调查发现,中等职业学校实习指导教师、专业课教师和文化课教师在专业素质结构方面表现差异较大,不同类别教师专业素质结构各异。教师专业素质中的主要问题包括:(1)专业实践知识严重缺乏。对于知识的类型、知识本质及其如何获得有效知识等方面亟待提升;(2)教育科研能力是短板,特别是实习指导课教师;(3)缺少企业合作与企业培训。近四分之一的教师没有参加过企业的培训,文化课教师基本没有接受企业实践;(4)缺少专业发展规划和发展平台。近四分之一的教师没能结合行业企业需求和专业发展需要设计。为此,需要针对不同类别教师有针对性加强专业的培训设计和职后教育,推进《中等职业学校教师专业标准(试行)》和《职业学校教师企业实践规定》的落实,确保职教教师队伍朝着标准化方向发展。 In order to promote the implementation of the “Professional Standards for Teachers in Secondary Vocational Schools (Trial)”, 16 specific indicators in three dimensions (professional ideas, professional ethics, professional knowledge and professional competence) were selected on the basis of the standard competency framework, Provincial and municipal more than 1,000 secondary vocational teachers carried out a survey of professional quality analysis. The survey found that internship tutors, specialized teachers and cultural teachers in secondary vocational schools show great differences in professional quality structure, and different types of teachers have different professional qualities and structures. The main problems in the professional quality of teachers include: (1) a serious lack of professional practice knowledge. There is an urgent need to improve the types of knowledge, the nature of knowledge and how to obtain effective knowledge; (2) The ability of education and scientific research is short, especially for internship instruction teachers; (3) The lack of business cooperation and enterprise training. Nearly a quarter of teachers did not participate in the training of enterprises, cultural class teachers basically did not accept the practice of enterprises; (4) the lack of professional development planning and development platform. Nearly a quarter of teachers failed to design in combination with industry needs and professional development needs. Therefore, it is necessary to specifically targeted different types of teachers to strengthen the professional training design and education, promote the “secondary vocational school teachers professional standards (Trial)” and “vocational school teachers practice regulations” to ensure that vocational education teachers In the direction of standardization.
046危重病时肠源性全身介质的释放[美]HglundULF//CritCareMecl-1993.21(2supply).-S15~18许多研究者都认为在长时间缺血或毒血症的情况下,肠是体内毒性介质的一个来源。正常情况下.肠粘膜构成体内无菌环境和体外... 046 Release of
简要论述了信息技术与编辑工作的关系,指出信息技术对改变传统编辑工作模式的影响。 It briefly discusses the relationship between information technology and editing