出于职业的原因,一直就很关注世界工业经济发展的潮流,参观过微软公司和 ABB 公司的总部后,对西方的花园式工厂产生了极大的兴趣。众所周知,微软公司的总部设在风景宜人的美国西部城市西雅图,在那里有终年积雪的雪山,有可以停泊航空母舰的美丽海港,还有水面阔大的华盛顿湖,微软员工在工作之余,尽可以享受生活的乐趣。对花园式工厂的向往,使我时常在想中国发达城市的近郊,是否也有这样的工厂呢?近来听说,在大兴创业园有一个即将峻工的项目——TOWNFACTORY,理念是打造中国第一家花园式工厂,特
For professional reasons, it has always been concerned about the development trend of the world’s industrial economy. After visiting the headquarters of Microsoft Corporation and ABB Corporation, it has generated great interest in western garden-style factories. As we all know, Microsoft’s headquarters is located in the scenic western city of Seattle, Seattle, where there are snow-covered snow mountains all year round. There are beautiful seaports where aircraft carriers can be moored, and the vast lake of Washington Lake. Microsoft employees do their job. You can enjoy life. The longing for garden-style factories has led me to wonder if there are such plants in the suburbs of developed cities in China. I recently heard that there is a project to be completed at the Daxing Pioneering Park - TOWNFACTORY. The idea is to build China first. Home garden factory, special