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2000年6月6日,硚口区小学教研员课堂教学展示活动在东方红小学阶梯教室隆重举行。区教校的六位教研员分别展示了语文、数学、思品、体育、美术、音乐等学科的教学。前往观摩的各学校校长、主任、教师代表计800多人。区教委书记兼主任黄万祥、副书记汪望翠、副主任李宣根、朱方忠、凌利和教委工会主席张继良等领导到现场观摩.并给予了高度的评 June 6, 2000, Qikou primary school teaching and research teacher classroom teaching activities in the classroom was held Dongfang Red Elementary School was held. The six teaching and research staff in the district school respectively show the teaching of Chinese, mathematics, thinking, sports, art and music. Heads of teachers, teachers and representatives of various schools visited to observe more than 800 people. Huang Wanxiang, secretary and director of the district board of education, Wang Wangcui, deputy secretary of the district, Li Xuangen, deputy director of the party, Zhu Fangzhong, Zhang Liliang, chairman of the Board of Education of the Education Commission, Zhang Liliang and other leaders visited the scene and gave a high degree of commentary
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一、课始激趣   1.故事引趣。人人都爱听故事,尤其是小学生。用讲故事的形式引入课文的学习,学生的注意力会更集中,精神会更振奋,学习热情会更高涨。一些短小的故事,教师可添枝